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Moving Data from PostgreSQL to Snowflake

Updated on Aug 27, 2024

Are you tired of manual data migration processes? Look no further! In this quick guide, we'll walk you through a simple shell script that extracts data from PostgreSQL and loads it into Snowflake using the psql and snowsql command-line utilities.


Before we dive in, make sure you have:

  1. psql commandline utility installed
  2. snowsql commandline utility installed
  3. PGPASSWORD environment variable set with your PostgreSQL user password
  4. SNOWSQL_PWD environment variable set with your Snowflake user password
  5. Snowflake Target tables already exists

Here's the script that will do all the heavy lifting for you:

# Functionality: Extract Data from Postgres & Load to Snowflake

set -e

# List of Tables
tables=("employee" "department" "salary")

# Postgres Parameters
export PGPASSWORD='<postgresql-user-password>'

# Snowflake Parameters
export SNOWSQL_PWD='<snowflake-user-password>'

# Process Each Tables
for table in "${tables[@]}"
    # Table Parameters

    # Extract
    query="\COPY (SELECT * FROM ${pgSchema}.${tableName}) TO '${filePath}' WITH DELIMITER '^' CSV;"
    echo "${query}"
    psql -h ${pgHost} -U ${pgUser} -d ${pgDatabase} -c "${query}"

    # Load
    query="PUT file://${filePath} @%${tableName};"
    echo "${query}"
    snowsql --noup -a ${sfAccount} -u ${sfUser} -r ${sfRole} -d ${sfDatabase} -s ${sfSchema} -q "${query}" -o exit_on_error=true -o timing=false -o log_level=DEBUG

    query="LIST @%${tableName};"
    echo "${query}"
    snowsql --noup -a ${sfAccount} -u ${sfUser} -r ${sfRole} -d ${sfDatabase} -s ${sfSchema} -q "${query}" -o exit_on_error=true -o timing=false -o log_level=DEBUG

    query="COPY INTO ${sfSchema}.${tableName} FROM @%${tableName} file_format = (type = csv field_delimiter = '^' field_optionally_enclosed_by = '\"');"
    echo "${query}"
    snowsql --noup -a ${sfAccount} -u ${sfUser} -r ${sfRole} -d ${sfDatabase} -s ${sfSchema} -q "${query}" -o exit_on_error=true -o timing=false -o log_level=DEBUG

    query="REMOVE @%${tableName} pattern='.*.txt.gz';"
    echo "${query}"
    snowsql --noup -a ${sfAccount} -u ${sfUser} -r ${sfRole} -d ${sfDatabase} -s ${sfSchema} -q "${query}" -o exit_on_error=true -o timing=false -o log_level=DEBUG


The script iterates through a list of tables, extracts the data from PostgreSQL using psql, and then loads the data into Snowflake using snowsql.

  • Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual PostgreSQL and Snowflake credentials.
  • You can modify the script to handle more complex sql select queries for incremental data extraction or add additional error handling as needed.
  • Consider using a more robust logging mechanism instead of echo statements for better debugging and auditing.

With this simple script, you'll be able to effortlessly move data from PostgreSQL to Snowflake. Happy migrating!



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